Lumpia was the very first horse that came to the stables. A palomino carthorse. When he arrived he slept 3 days straight on his new sawdust bed. We were worried that he was sick but he turned out to be exhausted.
In his previous home he worked long hours pulling load but he couldn’t lay down to rest on only concrete. After 3 days of sleep he did everything we tried with him. He was happy pulling the arena, get a saddle on his back and let us ride him on the beach.
In the arena he was willing to learn dressage and took kids out for a ride. I remember thinking: ‘if all rescues are that easy’….
Today he is a dressage pony for experienced riders and takes all level customers to the beach and rice fields.
Do you want to help Lumpia?
What do we need?
* food and bedding.
* (Used) Tack: bridal, saddle