The rescue horses that need a ‘support mum, child, dad or family’ at this moment are Valery, Moon, and Sulthan (Ask for an update).
Sponsorplan: 4 million per month (full sponsor). As a sponsor, you are tagged in all the Instagram posts of your sponsor horse. If you want to groom (brush and shower) and spoil your horse with carrots you can: at any time during opening hours* 🙂 We have a groom for you to assist and teach you how to do this!! You can find the horses you can choose from here.
We can assist by choosing the right horse for you. Sponsoring is for a minimum of a 6 months commitment.
Sponsorship members get the Salty Cowboy t-shirt, a certificate of sponsorship, a brass nameplate on the stable door personalized with your name, free grooming assistance, and basic horsemanship training if wanted or needed. Unlimited times and days to take care.
Riding a full-sponsored horse is charged separately with a 10% discount.
A sponsor does not have to groom the horse only if wanted 🙏🏻
*opening hours: 8-12 and 15.00-18.00 it might happen that the horse is out for a ride for an hour, but there is always something to learn and do at the barn till the horse is back 🤠❤️
Sponsoring can be done by
Monthly (credit card) ongoing payment
6 months at once or
12 months at once
We also have a Salty Cowboy ‘BESTIES’ program.
You can choose your own contribution per month. The funds go to the bailout of new rescue horses.
The general sponsors (Besties) help us to maintain the stables, fix things, buy and repair tack, pay rent and make improvements in the horses’ lives at Salty Cowboy. ☺️☺️
TEEKAY - Lovingly named after her two daughters, Becky Tumewu spontaneously volunteered to be the namegiver just hours after this little girl was born. Congratulations Teekay with your Godmother Becky!
ROSA - Rosa is happily adopted by a very dedicated lady. Giulia is giving her all the love and cuddles this ex-racehorse deserves. Grooming her many times per week, Giulia takes great care of Rosa; they're building a bond for life!
Moon -
The most sensitive horse Moon has found a great loving little horse girl named Lisa as his guardian angel. Sponsored by the Accel Kids Family, Moon has the gentle cuddles he so deserves and is showered with love.